The best time to visit Southeast Asia

Updated: 04th March 2022

Seasons in Southeast Asia

Despite its relatively compact size, Southeast Asia has a varied climate that matches its varied geography. Though it could be said that the region experiences two distinct seasons - the wet and the dry. The southwest monsoon typically hits the region between June and September when many countries experience high rainfall and the vegetation blooms in verdant green.

The dry season between November and February is considered the better time to travel with drier and slightly cooler weather. The hottest time of the year is usually between March and June when humidity levels rise in preparation for the oncoming rains.

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Cambodia Climate | Siem Reap

Temp Min °C192126252525252525242220
Temp Max °C323335363534333232313031
Rainfall (mm)142861176221237151276248822

Laos Climate | Luang Prabang

Temp Min °C131417212323232323211815
Temp Max °C283234363534323233322927
Rainfall (mm)151831109163155231300165793113

Thailand Climate | Bangkok

Temp Min °C222426272727272625252321
Temp Max °C323233343333323232323131
Rainfall (mm)102830711911521561883202315810

Vietnam Climate | Hanoi

Temp Min °C131417202326262624221815
Temp Max °C202123283233333231292622
Rainfall (mm)18283881196239323343254994320

If you're looking for more information on the best time to visit Southeast Asia, check out our comprehensive weather and festival guides for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam for more information.